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Hitler's 9-11
Video > Movie clips
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Dec 30, 2006

Listen to the dialogue.... Anything sounds familiar??

Wake up, people!


Thanks, great upload..

I agree with ya - people need to wake up, especially here in the "United" States.. but most are too lazy to do anything.

Either that or we're just too blind.

The Constitution has been torn to shreds and the Bill of Rights is doesn't apply anymore. The criminals fucks in our government is letting America be destroyed by new "Acts" and laws.. and dissolved by the United Nations and the inernational bankers.

Much like Adolf Hitler destroyed Germany...
The sad thing is that the average citizen in this country is the same as the average citizen was in Nazi-Germany, they didn't wake up and realize what was going on. They thought they lived in a democracy!
Don't mind bobdaslob, it's a government employed terrorist who comments on absolutely all 9/11 related videos.. and a good reminder for everybody: Intelligence agency terrorist in all NATO countries are still, desperately, trying to cover-up 9/11.

It's a bit late since - according to the latest polls - 85% of the US population know it was an inside job, but that don't seem to stop them from pretending to be normal people on message boards, commenting on this forum, and so on...

Haven't realized 9/11 wasn't done by 19 arabs with box-cutters yet? Download this movie - and research 9/11! And beware that it's not just DoD who don't want you to know the truth, all NATO governments are still pretending there is a "war on terror".. download this video - and other 9/11 videos - and compare the evidence against the propaganda on state TV such as NRK, SVT, etc.
thanx man gr8 up

keep the fighting up all truthers!

and dont let the disinfo spammers such as bob "the slob" bother you .. they are so desperate to create background noise.
The Nazification of America:

There's a lot more to it than that, but it's a great start for people who are still asleep or just starting to wake up.
bobdaslob just stfu fucking whancker, your so called GREAT america was build up by eurotrash. LEARN your history first and dont cover your eyes for the truth.

America is @ the root of a lott of shit in the world and dont fucking deny it crackass cracker.

Holla back nugga
OSAKA hi my brohter in armes!!!!!!! can you pleas tell me what the name is on the full movie you tok the clip from???
our eny body ells how have the informatione????
plz replay if possibel...........
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than
those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You left wingers are really dumb. The WTC-tower collaps was because of the fire caused by the fuel from the planes.

You disrespect those who died in the towers and those who are busting their ass in Afghanistan and Iraq to save our sorry asses. Behave leftys!

"If you take the lie away from a mans life, you also take away his life". A Norwegian writer wrote once, and I can see what he ment.

The left wingers in this world is desperate because freedom, capitalism and democracy is winning. Your "Way of Life" like the Soviet Union and DDR has failed and is stil failing.

Unfortunately you guys doesn't want to understand.

2007 will be a great year. Progress in Iraq and Castro probably dies.

Hail to the Chief!
I'm sorry but the Left-Right paradigm is false, and also, even if the fire would have been hot enough to melt the steel, which it wasn't, even if it was it would not cause the buildings to fall at free fall speed - the same speed at which an object drops thru air with no resistance. For it to fall at less 10 seconds and less, all the floors beneath would have to give way completely before the upper floors even reached them. The only way this can be achieved is with controlled demolition charges and thermate.
USA the land of the free and the home of the brave and bullshit can't change that. This is just a boring example of altered history - representative of national socialists and international socialists and those misguided phatetic guys are just a nuisance but thankfully in extinction ...
you anti-war boobs could find a government conspiracy on a goddamn Frosted Flakes box... you look for things that aren't even there!

I was gonna download some of your FF soundtracks, but fuck it, you're a psycho.